Peer Review Process

In CJMSS journal, the review procedure is double-blind. The editor will first determine if each submission is appropriate for the journal. Papers that are judged appropriate are subsequently normally sent to at least two independent, experienced reviewers who will evaluate the paper's scientific merit. The Editor is in charge of making the final determination regarding whether or not an article will be accepted. The Editor's choice is binding.

More details on different peer review types. It's crucial that the file is saved in the word processor's native format as word or latex. One column should be used for the text. Keep the text's formatting as straightforward as you can. Don't hyphenate words or justify text using the word processor's choices, in particular. Use boldface, italics, subscripts, superscripts, etc., though. If you are using a table grid to prepare tables, only use one grid for each table, not one for each row. Use tabs rather than spaces to align columns if there isn't a grid. The preparation of the electronic text should be fairly comparable to that of traditional manuscripts.