Guide for Authors

Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by outside experts or editorial board members of the Computational Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.

Steps in the process are as follows:

Authors should submit Latex or Word files by journal web site or to the editorial office by e-mail to: If submission problem please contact one of the editorial boards for additional help with manuscript submission.

Manuscripts submitted to The Computational Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences must be previously unpublished, not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If graphics, tables or sections of text previously published are to be used, the authorization of the copyright holder must have been obtained prior to submission.

Manuscript Format

The papers should be in English and typed in frame A4 With length should not exceed 15 single-spaced one column pages on one side, including figures and tables. Margins are left from the four sides of the paper up to 3 cm.

The paper should include:

Title of manuscript should be clear, novel, and brief.

Author’s name(s), affiliation, country(s), and email(s).

Abstract not more than 300 words.

Keywords not more than 6 words.

The introduction of the paper must explain the problem and clearly show the previous work, purpose and contribution of the paper.

A conclusion section must be included the highlights and the importance of the work.

A reference section, references should be arranged alphabetically at the end of the paper by using APA style.

General writing specifications; Font: Times New Roman.

  Font size Font Style
Manuscript title 18 Bold
Author information 12 regular
Abstract information 12 regular
Keywords 12 regular
Headings 14 Bold
Subheadings 12 Bold
Sub-Subheadings 12 Bold
Body text 12 regular
Illustrations and graphs 10 regular

 Language: Text should be written in good English.

Please submit the names and e-mail addresses of at least four potential referees.

Publication fees:

Publishing in CJMSS is absolutely free of charge (No Article Processing Charges) until the end of 2023.